Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Are the Democrats responsible for high Oil price?

They control the Congress and what goes on. Oil was about $40 a barrel when we were fooled voting them into office and giving them control. Now its $130

';It aint BUSH he got NO POWER'; as it could be said.

When can we expect some Action on the Dems part to lower those prices for us poor working souls?

Gosh, whats your guess on Oil when Obama wins ?Are the Democrats responsible for high Oil price?
Just a dream. I dream he will fool everybody and fight to trigger a revolution toward all that is green. I pray he will pull in the nation's horns and call for a national all out effort ot restructure the energy business into competing companies and the next bill gates will be the one who comes up with the trully powerful, doable plan to make great strides torward energy independence. by any means neccsarry. that alone could make him a great president eligable for a second term. all the rest is bull. that would have a profound affect on the economy and coould become a national obssession like the moom mission and nasa.that would be the bedrock program for both stabalising the economy and giveing everybody a worthy cause. plain and simple. put the big bet on that one.windmills, solar panels, new kinds of cars, infrastructure redesign, trains even steam and nuclear. got after it like a damn moon shot. more of the same will just fizzle and make things worse. this must be a mobilzation of the people to change this damn opec crud, once and for all.Are the Democrats responsible for high Oil price?
Its the environmentalists in Washington who have caused the energy crisis, they refuse to go energy independent, and the environmental wackos refuse to allow us to drill in our own country for oil and natural gas.. We are sitting on billions of barrels but the environmentalists starting with the Clinton administration have blocked any access.

Supply and demand, China and India are developing countries who have an insatiable thirst for gas. They are finally on the verge of huge expansion. THIS is causing a huge pressure on demand. Market speculators are also buying up oil in the open market. And lastly, the falling dollar which is tied to oil, because oil is traded in dollars not euros is also causing the pressure up. Also the speculators trading up the oil futures are creating higher prices.

Their are no easy solutions, but a combination of them. Brazil will be energy independent in just a few years, they got on the ball and had an energy policy that is working very good for them. If we would have done the same, 10 years ago, prices would be much lower. As long as we continue to rely on the middle east and refuse to explore here, we will be at the mercy of the open markets, hope this helps.

If Obama wins expect higher gas prices.
Oil was between $60.00 ant $70.00 when the Democratic congress took over. It started rising dramatically about a year and a half ago. What specifically do you think congress did or did not do to cause oil prices to rise?

I can tell you for sure that the deficit and spend policies of the previous republican congress and the republican administration play a role in this. Our currency is devalued, and printing money without collecting taxes contributes to this.
Neither the Congress or the president has the right to set prices. (Nixon tried it in the 70's and look how he is remembered.) The price of oil is simply the effect of the law of supply and demand. China and India and other developing countries are expanding the demand for oil, and OPEC and the other countries are holding down the supply.

The best solution, for both keeping prices in line, and for making the US more energy independent, is for us to produce more oil. The Democrats, influenced by the environmentalists, have prevented us from drilling for our own oil and building our own refineries. And before you tree-huggers out there claim that it'll ruin the environment, look at how responsible US companies are as compared to foreign countries. And those who say it'll take 10 years for us to see any oil from ANWR or new refineries, I have to ask you, ';Aren't we going to need oil then?'; And if, heaven forbid, the Middle East blows up or refuses to sell us oil, we need to have our own supply, or $4 gas will look cheap.
Well, they could be responsible for opening up some of the areas that are off-limits to drilling.

We have 86 BILLION barrels of crude oil in American territory that enviro-terrorists and Democrats have made absolutely inaccessible to drilling. While it would take some time, oil independence is crucial to bringing down the prices we pay. There will be a major recession or depression if something is not changed very soon.
its not just democrats neccessirly that has resulted in high gas prices. and demand=there is alot of demand and little supply(or so were told)

2.lack of refineries=we havent built a new oil refinery in the united states in 30 years.

3.the falling value of the dollar compared to euro and yen has caused us to have to pay more per in theory if we can fix our mortgage crisis and get our economy growing again the dollar would gain value and the price pere barrel would decrease.
Obama will take us out of the poor-house, and put us in the poverty-stricken house. He doesn't understand squat about the economic workings of our country, corporations, and the working class - and how everything works together.

His obsession with division, separation, and unfair burdens placed on select companies and individuals - - - - will throw this country into a deep depression.

Obama = Disaster
Price of gas will go up no matter who wins.

How come the price of gas is so high in Europe and Asian countries? stop blaming any party..And by the way..the war in Iraq is OUR war and not just Bush's war as the Congress voted for this war...Democrats and Republicans..I have lost all respect for Democrats for being weasels and saying they did not mean to vote for the war....fess up..both parties came together on this the troops and support the USA..
For the past 20 years there have been attempts to do more domestic drilling and to build new refineries to increase the supply. They have always stopped them. That is a contributing factor.

There has been a great increase of the world wide demand for oil, especially with the booming economies of China and India. That is another factor.
It's all ';W'; and his stupid War! That's why the Traders are going to town! All you gotta do is pay attention! Be a Hard Thinker! Sit Down an Try it sometime! They are not even Covering it up very good at all! Obama pulls us out of IRAQ, and you can bet ';Somebody'; has got to start some S*%T, somewhere in the Middle East, or the Oil prices are going to drop like bad habits! It could go either way! Sucks Don't it!
NO they are not and neither are the republicans you have to get a grip and find out what is going on its the people that won't let us drill here in the U.S. such places as Color. state, few others but they will be sooner then you think and the we'll be fine. to heck with the saudias.
No, the public is responsible for high oil prices - SUVs, oversized house, use of plastic (a petroleum product) etc. We use 25 barrels per person a year. The next in line is China at 3 barrels.
Why are people so STUPID and don't realize we don't control the price of oil.

Blame india and china for their booming economy and blame the weak dollar

if the dollar wasn't so weak, gas would be cheaper.
Simple: Drill for more oil, more supply thus, lower prices.

So, I would have to say that the demorats are the problem for not allowing further drilling in the US.

They say gas causing ';global warming'; and no one wants that.

And they proposed something to congress that doubled gas in England.

Stupid democrats.
Ever hear of something called supply and demand? The US dollar is extremely weak because of the president you voted for. It's amazing how ignorant people can be.
I voted for CHANGE when I elected Democratics to Congress in 2006. I got change back from my four $20 bills when I filled my car up yesterday.
80% of the price increase in oil is due to inflation(i.e. a weaker dollar).

The dems and repubs both get the blame for that.
Yes they are. My guess is he will ban oil, because crude oil is black, which could be considered offesive to blacks.
Yes Democrats screw everything up so vote for john McCain
Yes! Their the reason were not drilling in this country and don't us enough nuclear power! Just look at what the socialist are doing in Europe.
dems are only a small part of the probelm

The main reason is the weakening US dollar
Not really... I think it's because OPEC decided that they wanted to pump less oil and gain more money.
The republican plan is working to perfection,and once they let Obama win the presidency,Bush will declare martial law and stay in office...or...things will get so horrible they will hand Obama the keys and make everything appear to be his fault.much Like Carter in the 70s....The republicans Filibuster everything that might help lower prices,and then there are a few dems who are owned by big oil,so of course they want to keep their buddies happy and vote against anything that would lower prices.Face it..Oil will continue to go up and up,eventually I see gas at around 50 bucks a gallon so that only those with huge bank accounts can drive,the oil companies dont care where the money comes from.The only problem is that the price of food and everything else will skyrocket as well and the democrats will get the blame,even though it was the assinine republican policies that got us here,we need 60 dems in the senate,and to do away with those dems who vote in favor of big oil,otherwise you might as well buy a nice bike now
the trick is to get everyone to buy electric hybrid cars.

sales are slow on these models.

to remove the v8 gas guzlers too.

to sell more economy cars.

and for the fat cats in oil to fill their pockets.
No, your president's war is.

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