Monday, April 26, 2010

Who are these oil speculators that are predicting oil price hikes?

The way I see it, these guys need to change their predictions and start driving prices down. Why is the prediction followed by an immediate change. Either these guys are driving the prices up or they are so short sighted that they see the change right before it happens. I can do that, ';I predict gas will be over $4.25 per gallon.'; Now pay me for that prediction, I'm a speculator now!!!Who are these oil speculators that are predicting oil price hikes?
The exchange market doesn't really work that way: in a legal transaction there must be a buyer for every seller.

So, don't get yourself all worked up about speculators -- esp. in the commodity trade, since, in the end, someone must take physical possession of the commodity (oil) at the end of the contract. Which is to say demand has to be the primarily driver of the direction of the trade (up). (Without someone mopping up all the contract oil as it came to market, prices would immediately collapse)

And, if you think that there are no speculators furiously betting against higher oil prices, you are missing an important piece about how the market works.

I am, for the record, speculating on a super spike ($175-$200) between now and July contract end...but this is because I believe that the lack of new supply is driving the buyers to ridiculous prices to fill their demand...eventually it (the price) has to crack demand and send it down. $100 didn't do it; doesn't look like $125 did I'm thinking $200 might.

'Tis the way the game is played.

But it all has a useful purpose.Who are these oil speculators that are predicting oil price hikes?
sum greedy prik

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