Monday, April 26, 2010

Oil price is creeping back up again, are we going to see 200 dollar oil this summer?

It looks like it could spike up quickly again!Oil price is creeping back up again, are we going to see 200 dollar oil this summer?
What's funny is this time they can't blame it on Bush.

But to answer your question before some liberal without a sense of humor reports me, no, I do not think it will spike that high. Mostly I think we are seeing the typical increase as we switch to summer blends of fuel and demand goes up for vacation travel.Oil price is creeping back up again, are we going to see 200 dollar oil this summer?
Obama has inherited these high prices from the Bush administration? He can only fix so many problems at once? Let him finish his anti-American follow up tour in the middle east, then he can come home and see what he can do to increase the price of oil and push his green agenda on America. If Obama has his way, yes we will see $200.00 a barrel oil.

Earth- you do know oil supplies are up 20% this year...
I don't see it going that high, but as usual we pay more for gas during the summer just when people are taking their summer vacations.

The only way to fight back is to use less gas, buy more fuel efficient and alternative energy cars. Decreased demand = decreased prices.
doubt it. Increased speculation is a sign the economy is on the rebound but I don't think the economy will improve this summer to the point where it will get anywhere near that high.
The weaker our dollar is the higher the prices. Since Obama is printing money as fast as he can our dollar is getting weaker and weaker.
Doubt it but does not mean we will see lower prices. Oil ad gas prices are based largely on speculation and trading, not actual barrel prices.
This has nothing to do with any president. The trading speculators are back on the prowl again. I doubt that the price will go as high as it did last year.
Sure, why not. We still have no alternative. And there is less oil avaialble this summer than last. And guess what -- next summer there will be even less.
Yep and the Democrats/Liberals will again blame Bush like they did last summer.
guess what folks, demand goes up every summer (driving season) so the price follows.
Obama is in the mid-east, it should rocket up soon.
hey, it's summertime, what else would expect from those greedy bastrads...
Have you been buying energy stocks?

I bought Halliburton, Hess and Exxon and they are all making money.
Don't worry, President Hussein over in the middle east dealing with this right now

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